Tuesday, December 14, 2021

hello everyone i am at my house don't know what to do

Thursday, September 9, 2021

would you rather

 would you rather be a tiny or big 

would you rather be a gaming person or youtuber person

Friday, August 6, 2021

facts about violet

 did you know violet played 1920 olympic games also violet was the first girl olpain fact 1 her team had little chance of wining and fact 2 she is the youngest olpian fact 4 she thought competing in the olypics would be swiming in a carnival violet began wining races fact 5 she is 15 years old fact 6 one of here team mebers was a rower fact 7 she wasent allowed to watch here team meambers  fact 8 violet was 14 when she got selcted 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

first olymic

 first olypimc team was george and voleint hadfeild harrson daivdson now i well tell you about the team 1920 many things were hard for the team sorry guys thats all the infirmashin i have

Thursday, July 8, 2021

My Holiday Activites!

 Today I did a holiday activities here is a picture: 

athor mohamed